Correcting a spelling...
Correcting a spelling...
Finally, years after I first adopted full t-girl name I have managed to fix the spelling on Flickr!
It was my mistake; I had been using the abbreviated name Kaye as login only a couple of years into creating logins in a feminine identity. I think I was pretty standard, I wanted a name that was close enough to my boy name that I would respond without thinking and that wasn't the name of anyone I knew or had known in my life; I want people to know I am my own thing, not a replica of someone else no matter how much I admire or am influenced by others.
But then later, many services needed a full name, so thinking about "porn-star name" I took the street I grew up on; but the abbreviated name didn't roll right with it.. "Kaye Temple" and then I remembered the pet name one of my sisters used to call me .. unfortunately, I didn't know the spelling and when I searched kayeleigh as a name, Google decided that it was a valid spelling, as was kaylee.
It was only when I was chatting and people in the chat kept spelling the name different and referring to a Marillion song that I realised my error... eek... I tried to tell myself I was right, but the more I searched the more I realised I'd made a mistake and it should have been Kayleigh Temple. Well ever since, I have been going through a slow process of correcting each account, trying really hard not to loose the history and contacts I had with each service. Today, I finally got flickr fixed :) and many thanks to their support guys for doing this for me!
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