
Showing posts from February, 2024

Sorting Hosiery

  Having discovered the tan stockings I was wearing are not a pair, I thought it was high time I got on top of things. After years of promising that I would get around to it, I have been through my box of hosiery this morning. Untangling, then sorting first by colour tan, white and black and then separating out the straight tops, lace tops, fishnets. Those little bags your get for liquids in an airport turn out to be just the right size for a pair. I needed to change the bags, as the plastic that stockings come it is sticky edge and delicate so, without it just get a mess of tangled stockings and can never find the right ones; when I need them for an outfit.
Did't have any planned meetings, so dressed as I like; eventually got around to doing makeup; bit rushed, skipped eyeliner and used the Lancome mascara; which is much lighter then the Dior Show I normally use. Had a bit of time chatting, and really   just got on with doing my day job; But it was nice, feel more confident when have make up too less worried about being seen.

Correcting a spelling...

Correcting a spelling... Finally, years after I first adopted full t-girl name I have managed to fix the spelling on Flickr! It was my mistake; I had been using the abbreviated name Kaye as login only a couple of years into creating logins in a feminine identity. I think I was pretty standard, I wanted a name that was close enough to my boy name that I would respond without thinking and that wasn't the name of anyone I knew or had known in my life; I want people to know I am my own thing, not a replica of someone else no matter how much I admire or am influenced by others. But then later, many services needed a full name, so thinking about "porn-star name" I took the street I grew up on; but the abbreviated name didn't roll right with it.. "Kaye Temple" and then I remembered the pet name one of my sisters used to call me .. unfortunately, I didn't know the spelling and when I searched kayeleigh as a name, Google decided that it was a valid spelling, as w...