
Showing posts from January, 2024


Come-down When the drugs you've taken the previous night wear-off, they call it a come-down. Today, as January draws to a close, I have that sort of feeling again.. while it might sound like little happened, I only went outside dressed once on Saturday, the emotional tension surrounding the build-up, frustrations and activity was a lot. A pair of shoes arrived today,.. too late for this time around, but I am hoping they will look good for the next adventure out. Was also a sombre day, as I sat for the first hour of the morning combing out my Henry Margu wig; only to find the fringe has come apart - I am not convinced I have the skill to fix it. For the 3 days of thrill, I think I totted up a spend of £1030.07 on new wig, clothes, shoes, stockings and makeup. Of that perhaps the least value for money was on stockings, as seem of have ordered many only seemed stockings; while all great quality, I only use on rare occasion; but the body suit that I ordered along-side seems to be prett...

Working Girl

Well I thought that after an intense few days of Kayleigh time, I'd have got it out of my system, but nothing of the sort.. am sat here working in black dress, stockings, heels.. On the bright side, am making plenty of progress with work-work,.. so decided to stay in drag until I finish.. hopefully that'll be before the meeting; when I really  should change back
Palette Paris L'Absolu Parisienne Chic First try with this new set that I bought at the airport; really happy with it .. just the colours I need to create my "natural" look (skin tones, browns, with a hint of shine. Very happy on first application, every part is make high quality, including the brushes and pencil and I could take the lot anywhere in one go. 
Day of abstinence ... Tuesday 16 Jan 2024 I spent nearly every free minute of Monday as Kayleigh. I was working, at my standing desk, dressed for work in nice white blouse, and tartan skirt. I did also _actually_ work too; but I just found that whenever I was trying to do anything that required real focus I would end up distracting myself. For example, looking online for an outfit or something. So I have decided that despite having the option for dress today, I am going to try to stay in drab.. have also promised myself no porn (yes, that is what I wrote). Actually, its not really that interesting, but acts as a form of procrastination so I want to try and control that too. Lets see how I get on.. .. will report back in 24 hours on how it went ...

Dressed a lot..

Spending a lot more time as Kayleigh at the moment, am trying to get some orders together as going to be around next week inc. whole of Saturday 27th. Was looking for something to do (Social/dressed days/nights out kind of thing); have chatted to a couple of girls, not sure if it will come together .. ... as ever am just looking for a safe and fun place to be myself.