Out and About 04 June
Got nice long time, without interruption from work calls, family visits, window cleaners or any of the things that normally prevent me from getting dressed to a level where I have even the slightest confidence to go off-site.
I think its the first time I have been "out" since lock-down, which is as much about how opportunity has changed as anything related.
I gave myself a little push out of the door, once in the car seat and confident I could drive wearing the heels I was; I had no trouble setting off.... .. then I realised I had no idea where I was going or what I was going to do. I knew the objective was to push my boundaries and see how far I could go from the hidden world to the real world; it was clear to me this meant dropping slutty attire and trying to go for something broadly acceptable - but I also had no illusions that I was going to "pass" so went for try not to look too bad.
I'd got most of the way to Newmarket before I had a plan, and decided wanted to go somewhere were there were people and make a photo. Seeing a sign I hit on the idea of going to Ely Cathedral and getting a picture with it in the background. When I got there, after getting lost a few times trying to find the "right" parking; a big market-type thing was going on in the gardens, meaning that I would struggle to setup a selfie with just me in the picture.
So somewhat down, try headed back towards Cambridge; before passing the science park at Waterbeach; which had a great location for photos and pretty much nobody there as it was not a work-day.
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