
Showing posts from August, 2022
Birthday! Many thanks for all wishes! Tuesday (9th); I used an immense amount of will power to not crossdress on Tuesday.. Having seen how powerless I'd become; I thought I am going to try and see if I can avoid it despite it being perhaps the last chance for a few weeks.. .. well I don't know if it improved my life exercising my will power; I was a good girl and controlled myself, meaning I was at work on time and working hard.. did I perform better in my job... no... up until that point I had been dangling the chance to cross dress in front of myself as a motivator to get work done.. perhaps it was the heat; but I got almost nothing done.  Next time I will crossdress, evidence is that I work harder when I do.

Working from home (again) Aug 2022

 Working from home dressed again, first time for a long time. I dress a lot, but in most cases, with insufficient time to get properly "dolled-up"; i.e. some good foundation to cover the 5 o'clock shadow.  Thursday was really nice, because while I was still working, I didn't have any meetings or calls, so while I was still working I was able to be fully dressed. I just crossed my fingers and hoped that I didn't get invited to an ad-hoc or urgent video call as I would have had to either make very quick excuses or out myself to my work colleagues.... .. actually I am confident that my work colleagues would be "cool with it" it I was found out; but I don't really want it to be a "thing" in my work life .. of course I would love to go to the office and just "be"; but that is not what would happen, people would interact with me differently .. or I would have to further tone down my attire.
Moving to Blogspot ....  Had enjoyed using tumblr, but a while ago was told to remove some posts due to a change in policy. This was a real stretch at the time as I don't post stuff I consider to be inappropriate. As I can no longer speak freely about real-life experiences, throughs and feelings on tumblr, am switching to blogspot.
 Cross-dressing I am happy about After a lot of frantic and urgent cross dressing the last month; in times when it could be accommodated, today was much more pleasing. Hair washed this morning, with a final brush out, always so much better flowing once freshly washed. I didn't really do anything pervy; just dressed, put on make up; jumped on webcam for a bit. then did some work.. it was just .. nice.
Broken nail (mostly) fixed, would like it longer, but that'll come Nothing too exciting today... the morning spent wig-washing. It is quite fun; combing out the Balsam (conditioner) all those annoying little knots straightening themselves out.. and thinking about how well it'll flow again once done.